A Guide to Fee-Based vs. Performance-Based Property Management

Fee-Based-Perf-Based-Checklist-ThumbnailYou didn’t invest in rental properties to lose money. You’re playing to win.

That’s why your property management company should be just as invested in keeping your money in your wallet as you are. Sound too good to be true?

It definitely can be. Many management companies siphon fees in ways most investors never even notice.  

That’s why we put together our comparative checklist: A Guide to Fee-Based vs. Performance-Based Property Management: Five Hidden Ways Your Investment Could Be Costing You Money.

In this guide, we compare two approaches to professional property management:

  • Fee-based – Most traditional property managers fall into this category. These managers are motivated by increasing an owner’s overall fees.
  • Performance-based – These managers focus on reducing owner expenses and increasing their cash flow. They do this by mirroring the approach taken by institutions that own thousands of properties; the efficiencies they gain as a result are passed on to property owners.

In our comparison, we show you specifically where hidden fees and penalties lurk, and demonstrate how you can keep that cash where it belongs - in your pocket.

Learn how you can maximize your investment - download your checklist now! 

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